ZenHo Taikyo Morgans


Taikyo Zen Ho Sensei is the guiding teacher of Zen Association Wales.

He has been practicing meditation and Buddhism for 40 years. He has spent practice time in places of different Buddhist traditions, such as Chithurst Monastery in Sussex and Vajaloka (FWBO) in Mid- Wales, but found the way in Zen practice.

He dedicated himself to Zen Buddhism 20 years ago, first practicing on his own and then with various Sanghas around the UK. He has spent time in Zen monasteries such as Throssel Hole in Northern England, Kanshoji in France, Zen River in Holland and has been on many other retreats and sesshins throughout Europe. He took the lay precepts (Jukai) 6yrs ago and received Tokudo (priesthood ordination) from his teacher Taigu Turlur in August 2014. Taikyo received Denpo (dharma transmission) from Taigu Turlur in December 2016.

Taikyo has a PhD in philosophy and teaches philosophy and buddhist philosophy at the University of Wales, Lampeter. He is the guiding teacher of both Lampeter Sangha and Swansea Sangha, diverse communities of dedicated Zen practitioners who collectively form the Zen Association Wales.