Two Arrows Zen


230 500 W #155
Salt Lake City, UT 84101



Two Arrows Zen, founded by and Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei and Michael Mugaku Zimmerman Sensei, is a center for Zen study and practice with two locations. One is a small tented zendo where retreats are held in warmer weather, the Boulder Mountain Zendo. It is located in the town of Torrey, just outside of Capitol Reef National Park in the heart of Utah’s red rock country, some 3 ½ hours south of Salt Lake City. The other location is the ArtSpace Zendo, an urban center located in a renovated warehouse operated by ArtSpace City Center in Salt Lake City’s west side.

Musho Sensei and Mugaku Sensei are both Dharma successors of Genpo Merzel Roshi, whose teacher was Taezan Maezumi Roshi. Maezumi Roshi held transmission in both the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen.

Retreats offered at the Boulder Mountain Zendo in Torrey take place in a traditional Zen sesshin structure. There is intensive zazen, dharma talks, and interviews with the teacher. In addition, there are innovative elements, such as hikes into the desert or mountains for sitting and teachings, and the use of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory as a perceptual frame and the Big Mind Process. At the ArtSpace Zendo there is daily morning sitting, service and interviews with the teacher, as well as evening sittings, talks, and regular day-long intensive practice periods–Days of Zen.

Two Arrows Zen employs innovative remote teaching methods, including tele-courses, virtual temple days, and on-line koan study. The program of study and practice is designed to appeal to a broad audience, to those in the mainstream, including householders who raise children, hold jobs, and seek liberation within that life plan.

Affiliated Teachers:
Mugaku Michael Zimmerman
Musho Diane Hamilton