Renshin Bunce


Everyday Zen Foundation
San Mateo, CA

Renshin Bunce is a dharma heir of the late Myogen Steve Stücky. She was priest ordained in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi by the late Zenkei Blanche Hartman in 2003.

After seven years’ residence at San Francisco Zen Center, Renshin worked for 12 years as a hospice chaplain. Retired, she now lives in Eureka CA. She and her sitting groups – Beginners Mind Zen in San Mateo, currently meeting over Zoom three times a week, and Beginners Mind Zen in Eureka, currently meeting in person in Eureka – are affiliated with The Everyday Zen Foundation. Although remote geographically, she offers practice discussion and spiritual counseling over Zoom.

Renshin has written three books: Entering the Monastery, an account of life at San Francisco Zen Center; Love and Fear, stores from a hospice chaplain; and Remembering Myogen Steve Stucky, a collection of stories about the former abbot. She also maintains an album of rakusu calligraphy at and welcomes new additions to the gallery.

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