Pat Enkyo O'Hara


Village Zendo / Dotokuji
New York, NY

Pat Enkyo O’Hara began her Zen studies with Daido Loori, and after six years, studied with and received tokudo from Maezumi Roshi. After his untimely death, Enkyo continued her studies with Maezumi’s first successor, Bernie Tetsugen Glassman, and received Dharma Transmission from him. Enkyo served as a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and continues working for the Peacemakers. In 1986 she founded the still vibrant Village Zendo, a non-residential community of Zen practitioners in Manhattan. She has given Dharma Transmission to nine successors, who have Zen Centers in Philadelphia PA, Sedona AZ, Westhampton MA, Virginia Beach, VA, La Paz, Bolivia, and Sing Sing Correctional Facility. Enkyo holds a PhD and taught for many years at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, centering on new media technologies and social justice. Her writing appears in the various American Buddhist journals, as well as her 2014 book, Most Intimate, A Zen Approach to Life’s Challenges, published by Shambhala.

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