Minnesota Zen Meditation Center / Ganshoji


3343 E Calhoun Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Website: www.mnzencenter.org

Phone: (612) 822-5313

Email: info@mnzencenter.org

Minnesota Zen Meditation Center was formed in 1972 when our founding head teacher, Dainin Katagiri Roshi, (1928-1990) was invited to come from California to teach a group of Minneapolis students interested in the dharma. After Katagiri Roshi’s death, Shohaku Okumura served as interim head teacher until the installation of Karen Sunna, one of Katagiri Roshi’s 12 dharma heirs. Succeeding Karen as head teacher is Tim Burkett, a long-time student of both Katagiri and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Tim became head teacher in 2002.

Today MZMC works to maintain a vibrant, welcoming community committed to the teaching and practice of Zen Buddhism. Everyone is welcome at MZMC, regardless of practice experience. First-time visitors, those just beginning a meditation practice, and long-time students (current and returning) are all welcome. Visitors who may be expecting to find an exotic group of people at MZMC are sometimes surprised to find that the sangha is made up of average, householding Americans who are committed to Buddhist practice. Everyone can develop a meditation practice, and people who participate at MZMC are encouraged to establish meditation practices that work for them. These may include traditional Soto Zen activities, activities from other Buddhist traditions, or both. Participants study and practice at their own pace.

There are many ways to participate, connect, and get to know others at MZMC. Activities include zen meditation (zazen), lectures, work practice (volunteering in a way that’s meaningful for the participant), retreats, classes and workshops on Buddhist studies and daily-life topics, and practice help and support from teachers and sangha members.

Affiliated Teachers:
Ben Connelly
Bussho Lahn
Donen Ted O'Toole
Tim Zentetsu Burkett
Susan Ekyo Nelson

Accessibility: Zazen seating options, Accessible parking spaces, Accessible bathrooms, Online offerings